It has been five years since Mohammed Bouazizi lit a match and set fire to the Middle East, and the heat from the flames continues to engulf the region. A region shaken, revived, broken – yet still alive. The glowing pulse of the embers still burning has …
Read More »American Power and Liberal Order
Over the past year, real-estate tycoon Donald Trump mesmerized the American media during his run for the presidency. He broke every rule of expected conduct for presidential candidates and not only survived—he thrived. Many of his attention-grabbing departures were matters of style and character. But among his heresies …
Read More »North Korea is on its ‘way to an arsenal of perhaps dozens’ of nuclear warheads
In the wake of North Korea’s latest nuclear test, a panel of experts discussed the possible implications of a nuclear weapons “no-first-use” policy on global security at the Heritage Foundation on Thursday. A “no-first-use” policy calls for a country to not use nuclear weapons first and only in response to an attack. Last week, Pyongyang carried out …
Read More »For a world on the move: The UN Summit for Refugees and Migrants
The world is on the move, and the number of international migrants today is higher than ever before. In 2015, 244 million people lived in a country other than where they were born, including more than 20 million refugees and asylum-seekers escaping violence or persecution in their home …
Read More »Is Political Islam Compatible with Democracy?
At the dawn of the so-called Arab Spring in 2011, diplomats, politicians, and intellectuals debated a fresh question: what role can Islamist political parties play in a fledgling democracy?
Read More »Saudi Arabia and Iran are fighting a proxy war — on Twitter
Saudi Arabia and Iran are waging a proxy war for dominance of the Middle East and the broader Muslim world that is playing out on battlefields from Yemen to Syria. This past week, though, the hottest front in the Saudi-Iran cold war wasn’t in some war-torn country in …
Read More »Trump Needs Foreign Policy
Donald Trump has excited many voters with his challenge to the status quo. For Americans increasingly accustomed to—and frustrated by—their leaders’ politically-correct and clichéd foreign policy declarations, he appeared both courageous and pragmatic, especially in comparison with Hillary Clinton’s ritualistic repetition of establishment dogmas. Yet Trump has also …
Read More »Is Russia Preparing for War?
Is Russia preparing for a new war in Ukraine? The answer—according to some of the best analysts specializing in the region—is: Maybe. Some, like former The National Interest editor, Dr. Nikolas Gvosdev, currently the Jerome E. Levy Chair for Economic Geography and National Security at the U.S. Naval …
Read More »Agreement with Oman Demarcates Iran’s Longest Maritime Boundary
Iran and Oman have exchanged papers related to an agreement signed last year that maps the exact location of their common sea borders, an Iranian deputy foreign minister said. In a note released on Tuesday, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Abbas Araqchi described the agreement …
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