Bill Gertz Islamic State terrorists in Syria, assisted by western experts, are trying to develop improvised anti-aircraft missiles following stepped up airstrikes against its forces, according to U.S. officials and reports from the region. The effort was disclosed by an anti-ISIS social media account that revealed the anti-aircraft …
Read More »Terrorism Antidote: Libya Mulls Requesting Russia for Anti-Daesh Airstrikes
The formation of a national unity government may pave the way toward asking Russia to conduct airstrikes on Daesh positions. The request to Russia on the launch of airstrikes against Islamic State (IS or Daesh in Arabic) can be submitted only after the formation of a national unity government, which will be in exclusive position to make …
Read More »2016 Predictions: A Look Ahead at the Future of War
Imagine you had a time machine that could take you back to compare what people thought would happen in 2015 with what actually did occur. Some of the events of the last year, like the Syrian rebel training programs falling apart, were utterly predictable. Others were deeply surprising; the …
Read More »Who Wants What in the Syria Negotiations
Andrew Bowen On Friday, John Kerry convened a high-level session of UN Security Council member states’ foreign ministers to build on the diplomatic momentum that came from the October and November Syria talks in Vienna. Late afternoon Friday, Kerry, Russia’s Sergei Lavrov, France’s Laurent Fabius and the UK’s …
Read More »Putin’s Victory Lap
Nikolas K. Gvosdev President Vladimir Putin engaged in his traditional end-of-year marathon press conference this week with some 1,300 journalists attending in Moscow. As is his wont, Putin used the event to reassure Russians that despite the hardships of the last year, the economy has turned a corner, …
Read More »Putin Is in Syria to Defend Russia
Mike Whitney Would you be willing to defend your country against a foreign invasion? That’s all Putin is doing in Syria. He’s just preempting the tidal wave of jihadis that’ll be coming his way once the current fracas is over. He figures it’s better to exterminate these US-backed maniacs in Syria now than face …
Read More »Boots on the Ground: Does Daesh Pose an Existential Threat to US?
Washington should avoid committing more US ground troops in the latest Middle Eastern conflict, CIA veteran Paul R. Pillar notes, adding that the exploitation of the Daesh (IS/ISIL) issue by American politicians is likely to continue. While the majority of the US presidential candidates are banging war drums over the …
Read More »Plans for Redrawing the Middle East: The Project for a “New Middle East”
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya This article first published by GR in November 2006 is of particular relevance to an understanding of the ongoing process of destabilization and political fragmentation of Iraq, Syria and Yemen. “Hegemony is as old as Mankind…” -Zbigniew Brzezinski, former U.S. National Security Advisor The term “New …
Read More »Gulf Arab defense spending drops for first time in decade, report says
Low oil prices are eating into defense spending in the Gulf region, one of the world’s largest arms markets, with budgets trimmed for the first time in a decade this year and deeper cuts expected in 2016, according to a report published on Thursday. Overall spending fell to …
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