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Hillary Clinton’s big-money dilemma: How the Clinton campaign’s go-small political message is butting up against 2016’s big bucks reality?

By Glenn Thrush and Anna Palmer There is a growing realization inside Hillary Clinton’s Brooklyn headquarters and among the wider circle of Democratic operatives that coming up with the requisite $1 billion to $2.5 billion in campaign and super PAC cash for the 2016 campaign will be a lot tougher than …

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Rebels Backed by CIA Join al-Qaeda in Fight Against Assad in Syria

With the United States struggling to find capable “moderate” rebel forces that it can support in Syria, Washington has secretly started backing brigades that fight alongside al-Qaeda groups against President Bashar al-Assad’s forces. Two of these groups, Division 13 and Fursan al-Haq, have gained grounds while fighting alongside a group …

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The Obama Doctrine and the Middle East: Problems and Prospects

BY NABEEL KHOURY President Barack Obama, in his interview with Tom Friedman on April 5, was at his intellectual best. He convincingly explained the framework agreement with Iran while stressing serious strategic disagreement with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamene’i. Tom Friedman, in turn, was at his diplomatic best, …

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