By Merve Tahiroglu and Behnam Ben Taleblu For centuries, the Ottomans and Persians led rival empires that fought for control of the Middle East. Today, the Republic of Turkey and the Islamic Republic of Iran are the successor states to that millennium-old rivalry. The two countries are at …
Read More »The Historical Roots of Greece’s Debt Crisis
By Elena Panaritis We woke up to the crisis in denial, came to terms with it, and became angry. Then we started bargaining for our future until we got so depressed we finally had to accept our “new” reality — a reality of recession, high debt and continuous …
Read More »Everyone In Middle East Given Own Country In 317,000,000-State Solution
Marking the latest and most ambitious attempt to bring stability to the region, the United Nations announced Wednesday that every single person in the Middle East will receive his or her own sovereign nation as part of a historic 317,000,000-state solution. The broad and extensive compromise, which affects …
Read More »Middle East Quickly Running Out Of Land Area For Violence To Spill Over To
Confirming that only a few square miles currently remain, a report released Tuesday by the United Nations warned that the Middle East is rapidly running out of available land for violence to spill over to. “As more and more of the region’s land area is consumed by armed …
Read More »The Israeli-Saudi Alliance Does it go deeper than a mutual antipathy to Iran?
Suddenly the news of a Saudi-Israeli-Gulf states alliance is all over the news, and we’re shocked – shocked! – that such strange bedfellows have been found in bed together. Readers of, however, are neither shocked nor surprised, since that breaking news broke here months if not years …
In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson dispatched a theologian named Henry King and a plumbing-parts magnate named Charles Crane to sort out the Middle East. Amid the collapse of the Ottoman Empire following World War I, the region’s political future was uncertain, and the two men seemed to provide …
Read More »Susan Rice Won’t Tell the Truth About Why Americans Can’t Inspect Iran
According to paragraph 67 of the new nuclear deal with Iran, IAEA inspectors in charge of monitoring the agreement may only be “from nations that have diplomatic relations with Iran.” This means that no inspectors will be American (unless the U.S. unexpectedly reestablishes the diplomatic ties with Iran that it severed …
Read More »Spain’s Electoral Rebellion: Welcome to the Post-Party Political Era
Madrid, Barcelona and other major Spanish cities are now governed by independent citizen fronts called “confluences.” Ahora Madrid, Barcelona en Comú, Zaragoza en Común and La Marea Atlántica (A Coruña) are confluences weaved together by the M15-Indignados social ecosystem. Other political parties, like Podemos and Equo, have joined …
Read More »Why Clinton and Bush Are Now In the Pockets Of Walmart, Chevron and Goldman Sachs
Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, the 2016 presidential candidates leading the money race in the Democratic and Republican fields, are amassing fortunes that will leave them politically indebted to some of the most influential lobbyists in Washington. Disclosures to the Federal Election Commission reveal how lobbyists for Walmart, …
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