The year 2021 could dawn with a robust, ideologically-charged anti-China narrative driving U.S. foreign policy. Over the past two months, rhetoric on China has become noticeably more strident in the United States. Terms like “China virus,” “soft on China,” “weak on China,” and “rolled over on China” saturate …
Read More »The Sarah Palin Trap
Joe Biden’s choice of a running mate may be the most important decision he makes during the 2020 presidential campaign. While every White House hopeful looks for someone who can improve the ticket’s odds in November, the morbid reality is that the presumptive Democratic nominee’s age means voters …
Read More »The oil market crisis
Giancarlo Elia Valori The Covid-19 pandemic triggered a crisis or rather a real collapse in the oil barrel price, down from approximately sixty US dollars just before the coronavirus spread to the current twenty dollars – with downward peaks before the end of April 2020, still significantly lower …
Read More »Important opportunities in expanding relations between the UAE and Pakistan
Farzad Ramezani Bonesh Senior Researcher and Analyst of International Affairs Pakistan is one of the first countries established diplomatic relations with the UAE since 1971. Also, the meetings of political officials between the two countries have increased in the past year, and we have witnessed many developments in …
Read More »The Chinese debt issue
Giancarlo Elia Valori Despite the “phase one” trade agreement signed between the United States and China in January 2020, the coronavirus issue has greatly distorted the Chinese economy. It should be recalled that China had pledged to buy 200 billion U.S. dollars of U.S. goods and “specific products” …
Read More »The Trump Administration’s Politicization of Coronavirus Intelligence
The current biased pressure about the coronavirus and the Wuhan lab has multiple costs. It is likely to impede public understanding of what is known and unknown about the origins of the pandemic. It is an additional needless complication in U.S. relations with China, especially if the hypothesis …
Read More »What Will Progressives Demand From Biden on Foreign Policy?
A new letter published on Monday lays out their top priorities. A group of fifty-one organizations led by Demand Progress sent a letter on Monday listing “key” foreign policy priorities of the progressive movement for Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. Biden had defeated insurgent progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders …
Read More »The China Virus (No, Not That One)
What makes the virus so pernicious and difficult to eradicate is how it attaches itself to U.S. fears and insecurities regarding China but inflates them enormously. There is a China virus ravaging the world, preying in particular on Americans of all stripes. Its symptoms are clear: a feverish, …
Read More »Biosecurity Is the Lesson We Need to Learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic
Biological outbreaks have been a fear among experts for decades. The ever-increasing encroachment upon natural habitats has resulted in zoonotic disease spillover to humans. There is no scientific evidence that the virus that causes the coronavirus was bioengineered. However, that does not mean that humans do not bear …
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