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Technology and crime: A never-ending cat-and-mouse game

Roberto Di Pietro Is technology a good or bad thing? It depends on who you ask, as it is more about the way technology is used. Afterall, technology can be used by criminals but can also be used to catch criminals, creating a fascinating cat-and-mouse game. Countless ways …

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Hedging Saudi bets: Iran looms, Israel beckons, and Taliban cause goosebumps

James Dorsey Prince Khalid bin Salman may not have planned it that way but the timing of his visit to Moscow last week and message to Washington resounded loud and clear. The Saudi deputy defence minister was signalling by not postponing the visit that he was trying to …

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How Can the United States Best Protect its Interests in Afghanistan?

How can the United States ensure that the withdrawal does not resurrect terrorist threats posed by radical groups in and around the region—the very danger that brought us into Afghanistan twenty years ago? Some 1500 Americans still in Afghanistan -Blinken How can the United States ensure that the …

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Iran and the Taliban: Fast Friends or Fierce Foes?

The U.S. failure to achieve its objectives and the Taliban’s re-emergence in Afghanistan is evident, but whether they represent a challenge or opportunity for Iran is still unclear. Taliban fighters captured the Afghan capital last week amid scenes of panic and chaos, bringing an astonishingly swift close to the …

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This Conglomerate of Countries Could Change the Face of NATO

The regional powers of Turkey and Israel have the chance to create a platform for regional growth and security—a Mediterranean Union. Historic change is afoot in the Eastern Mediterranean. In years to come, historians will point to this post-pandemic, post-wildfire time as the moment that the deeply idiosyncratic …

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Behind Enemy Lines: Will America Face an Afghan Hostage Crisis?

Patrick Fox Whatever the final disposition of coalition forces in Afghanistan, personnel trapped in Taliban-controlled territory must be secured and evacuated. The current situation in Afghanistan grows more dire by the day for the fate of the thousands of American, coalition, and Afghan civilians trapped by the Taliban. …

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The Turkey-Russia Relationship: Why “Compartmentalization” and Not Conflict?

Carter Boon Russia and Turkey maintain an interesting and volatile geopolitical relationship. The two states share many common interests and have significant economic ties to one another, and the leaders of both states have a good personal relationship. Despite the many areas of cooperation, there are still many …

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What starts in Afghanistan does not stay in Afghanistan: China, India, and Iran grapple with the fallout

James Dorsey Taliban advances in Afghanistan shift the Central Asian playing field on which China, India and the United States compete with rival infrastructure-driven approaches. At first glance, a Taliban takeover of Kabul would give China a 2:0 advantage against the US and India, but that could prove …

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How Not to React to Incidents in the Gulf of Oman

Paul Pillar In many cases, following a murky encounter at sea, people are eager to jump to conclusions about the evil intentions of local powers. Strange things have happened over the past several days in the Gulf of Oman. Some crews reported that they temporarily had lost control of their ships for …

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