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Rail Diplomacy between Turkey, Pakistan, and Iran

In a world of interdependence, geo-economics has become the essential thing for extending cooperation. Most of the countries have started to use nontraditional types of diplomacy to enhance their relations for achieving economic access and other goals. ‘Railway Diplomacy’ is one the interesting forms of nontraditional diplomacy. Railway …

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Geographical Risk and Chaos at Market: The Reign of Uncertainty

The continuation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, along with the financial sanctions against Russia by Europe and the United States, has induced a shock in the international capital market. International energy prices, including oil and natural gas, together with commodity market prices, rose distinctly. In particular, …

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Russia-Ukraine Conflict and the Rising Issue of Global Oil Scarcity

Ica Cahayani and Agata Nina Puspita Nowadays, the issue, which appears in the talks of the global community, becomes an inevitable scourge. The prolonged conflict has made people worry about the third world war. People’s concerns are certainly supported by past historical records where big wars always occur …

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Five Latin American States Abstained at UN’s Ukraine Resolution and Here is Why

During the special emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on March 2nd, only five Latin American states renounced from condemning Russia’s military operations in Ukraine. Although none voted ‘against’, four abstentions from Bolivia, Cuba, El Salvador and Nicaragua, plus Venezuela’s refusal to participate in the …

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The Serious Consequences Of The War In Ukraine In The Rest Of The World

Ismaila Diadama  The war seems so far away, the repercussions in the world are very important. Russia is the third largest exporter of oil with 5 million barrels per day, of which 13% of our street fuel comes from there. Since February 24, 2022, Russia has been at …

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China’s secure contribution to peace in Ukraine

Giancarlo Valori In recent hours, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has comprehensively outlined China’s position and proposal on the resolution of the current crisis in Ukraine, which can be summarised as four six-point commitments. Dialogue and peace are to be promoted through four steps that must adhere to …

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The Last American War … Will be in Europe

Two weeks into the Ukraine conflict, the Atlantic alliance is already fraying. Europe, which helped destroy much of West Asia, is now the battlefield for the Last American War. During the second US-led war on Iraq in 2003 and its resulting invasion and occupation, I wrote an article …

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The Alarming Rise of Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi MPs Since the 2014 “Pro-democracy Revolution”

Shane Quinn Of relevance to the current crisis in Ukraine, first published by Global Research on April 26, 2019 [In 2017], the Ukraine’s parliament (Verkhovna Rada) voted to outlaw the St George’s Ribbon, an emblem often worn to commemorate those who liberated the Soviet Union from Hitler’s rule. …

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