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NATO pays for its adventures with Libyan billions

NATO special services euro finance IGIL-DAESH terrorist attacks on money stolen from Libya

According to the Belgian magazine Le Vif,. Over € 11 billion “evaporated” from the Libyan accounts frozen in 2011. The money intended to finance Libya’s international cooperation projects with Europe was stolen from the Belgian bank Euroclear.

The magazine published a bank statement according to which, on four Libyan accounts frozen under the sanctions of the UN Security Council, there were € 14.2 billion in securities and € 1.9 billion in funds (as of November 30, 2013).

And as of the end of 2017, these accounts have less than € 5 billion.

Thus, over € 11 billion disappeared from the frozen accounts, although no movement of funds was possible on them.

The Belgian bank does not give any explanation, referring to … “the secret of deposits”.

So, for four years, 12 billion euros have disappeared. If in a year three billion disappeared, it can be assumed that in two years Europeans will report that there is no money in Libya’s accounts at all.

The accounts belong to two Libyan state investment companies: Libyan Investment Authority and its branch – Lafico.

The money was frozen as early as March 2011 in the framework of the untenable resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, allegedly directed against the leader of the Libyan revolution, Muammar Gaddafi and his family, but in reality against the Libyan people and their state property abroad.

This happened immediately after the beginning of March 19, 2011, NATO aggression against the Libyan Jamahiriya and massive bombing by NATO aircraft and missile strikes of NATO warships on Libyan cities and military installations.

Then the UN Security Council diplomats and UN officials hypocritically declared that frozen funds could be used in the future to rebuild Libya after the end of the NATO war against this sovereign country and create a “democratic government of national unity”.

However, after the seizure of the capital Tripoli by terrorists and the assassination of Muammar Gaddafi, the leader of the Libyan revolution, by NATO special forces and al Qaeda terrorists in October 2011, the war in Libya did not end.

The war of NATO is still going on, there is no question of any “democracy” and even more “people’s unity”.