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US Presidential Elections: The Race and Media Frenzy

As the US election day draws closer, we look at the variety of media reports on the campaign and the frenzy they create.

Here’s one of the articles we believe are worth readers attention. We don’t take sides. We just offer contrasting opinions. You decide what is objective and what not.

Enjoy reading.


“Everything we know about politics indicates that in very close races, the ground game is absolutely critical. Being able to identify your voters and get them out to the polls is one of the fundamentals of running a professional campaign,” says Whit Ayres, a veteran GOP consultant. “And that is particularly true in a year when we have two remarkably unpopular candidates as the nominees of their respective parties.”

Campaigns have become increasingly professionalized over the decades, with candidates hiring a slew of high-priced pollsters, fundraisers, ad-makers and consultants who advise them on everything from internet strategy to negotiating the Electoral College map. Campaign managers many years ago might have been the candidate’s smart best friend. Now it’s a paid professional who moves onto another campaign after the client wins or loses.


The whole article “The Fight on the Ground” can be found HERE