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Religious extremism a real threat to international community

By Shehab Al Makahleh

Mikhail Bogdanov, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for the Middle East and African countries, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia has confirmed that the real danger to modern world is extremism, fanaticism and radicalism.

Speaking at the International media forum “Journalists of Muslim countries against extremism,” hosted by the Group of Strategic Vision: Russia- Islamic World, Bogdanov said that terrorism had turned into an apocalyptic threat to humanity, and this evil had been spreading very fast throughout the world.

He referred to President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in addressing the seventeenth session of the General Assembly during which President Putin suggested creating a united front against terrorism.

“In his statement at the 70th session of the United Nations General Assembly, President of Russia Vladimir Putin invited the international community to join efforts in order to address the new security issues that are facing us and to establish a genuinely inclusive anti-terrorist coalition to counter those who disseminated evil and hatred,” Bogdanov was quoted as saying.

“We should fight this universal evil together. Daesh is using tactics and techniques to spread in the world and resort to various means to recruit the youth,” said Bogdanov in the forum which tool place December 8-9, 2015.

He added: “Russia is ready to cooperate in combating extremism and terrorism. The Group of Strategic Vision: Russia – Islamic World considers studying efforts in order to combat and to counter terrorism and extremism.”

He recalled last month’s conference which was held in Moscow which laid down the foundation for further meetings and discussion of international extremism and terrorism.

“Experts who attended the conference from various countries issued important documents. However, the International Media Forum: International media forum Journalists of Muslim countries against extremism, aims to discuss the media policy against religious extremism,” said Bogdanov.

He blamed those extremist groups for destructing communities and recruiting people.

“The extremists petrify people by publishing horrific scenes and recruiting the youth to serve their evil objectives and ideology, which is based on hatred and intolerance, rather than the noble principles of genuine Islam,” the Russian official said in the conference.

He stressed that in order to counter terrorism, Muslims should lead the mission be defending the real Muslim Identity since Muslims do not want any external intervention in their affairs. This threat should not be overlooked, especially bearing in mind that Takfiri  groups, who represent a real threat and risk to international communities