With no historic basis as a state, an economy in tatters and political crises at every corner, it won’t be long till Ukraine becomes unrecognisable, if it exists at all. As the fascist forces escalate their aggression against the Donbass Republics, many are questioning what the future of …
Read More »Russia’s Role in Middle East In Coming Decade
During the armed conflict in Syria and some other countries of the Middle East, Russia has notably increased its involvement in the region in order to protect its own interests. This has been interpreted by its calibrated military intervention in Syria and the formation of alliances with some …
Read More »Russia and the Middle East: New Alliances
To very few strategists and political experts, the Middle East is passing through rapid changes with a big rift between Iran and the USA, a rapprochement between Egypt and Iran, and a rift between some key world powers because of the Syrian crisis, shaping new alliances. Egypt has …
Read More »Why The Albanians Need Tensions In The Province Of Kosovo & Metohija Now?
One sharp and interesting analysis of situation in Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija came last week from Andrew Korybko, program host at Radio Sputnik. Mr. Korybko speaks on how the whirlwind of geopolitics, military interests and global giants of business, as well as the change of US …
Read More »Astana Peace Talks: West Losing Its Influence in Middle East
On January 25, The Financial Times published an article on the role of Western countries at the Astana negotiations. Author Erika Solomon writes that Western diplomats could do absolutely nothing to influence the negotiations and “found themselves relegated with journalists to the plaid-carpeted Irish Pub of a hotel in Kazakhstan.” Astana …
Read More »Astana Peace Talks Paved Way For Political Settlement In Syria
There was a distinctive shortage of wide media coverage at the international conference on Syria which was held on January 23-24 in the Kazakh capital Astana. The two-day gathering closed with a low key tone as the goal was bringing together representatives of the Syrian government and the …
Read More »A “New Birth of Freedom” for Serbs?
A really remarkable chain of events has been happening to Serbs during recent months and weeks. It started at the end of 2016 and continued even faster with the beginning of 2017. Firstly, a proven enemy of Serbs, Hillary Clinton, lost the US presidential election, which was immediately …
Read More »Patriotism and Return of Nation-states Is the Future, Say European Politicians
Patriotism and the return of nation-states will define the future of Europe, say right-wing political leaders gathered at the “Freedom for Europe” conference in Germany.
Read More »The World Gets Further Into Chaos In 2017-2020
As the US is getting into nationalism as well as many other European countries, world peace will be in danger. By April 2017, war in Syria will be over; however, other wars will break out in the Middle East including North Africa. Terrorists will be benefitting more from …
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