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A fundamental shift in Arab military doctrine

Eng. Saleem Al Batayneh

The formulation of military doctrine is pivotal in the development of any armed force, serving as a driving force for military personnel to dedicate themselves wholeheartedly to their military careers. Military doctrine encompasses the principles that govern the conduct and stances of the military establishment, the potential threats facing the state, and the strategies the army employs to counter them. Of utmost importance is the unequivocal identification of the adversary: Who is the foe?

In a broader sense, the term “doctrine” connotes the principles that the heart and conscience embrace as a guiding belief, a notion closely linked to spirituality.

The military constitutes not just an institution but the fulcrum of the state and the safeguard of its security. Consequently, the political doctrine wields a significant influence on all facets of public policies, including military and security strategies, whose contours are delineated by the military doctrine. The conflict between us and Israel is primarily a clash of doctrines, and only through doctrine can this battle be waged. Zionism is shrouded in a political guise. It is the perpetrator of Palestinian bloodshed and the usurper of the Golan Heights. Its military desecrates the Al-Aqsa Mosque, perpetuating violence and devastation. Israel’s territorial ambitions extend far beyond Palestine and the Golan Heights. A slogan at the Knesset’s entrance reads, “Establish the State of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates!”

Let us recall the words of Israel’s founding father, Ben Gurion: “The map of Israel is not this! There is another map, and the Jewish nation must expand its area from the Euphrates to the Nile. The Torah and the sword were sent down to us from heaven! Israel’s survival hinges solely on military might.”

The apprehension I speak of can be described as a sense of desolation and dread, stemming from the considerable enfeeblement and ambiguity that have befallen Arab military doctrine. To such an extent that it becomes challenging to assert the existence of a coherent Arab military doctrine. Regrettably, the region’s majority has been stripped of their military might in favor of Israel, with weapons even confiscated from civilian hands, while every Israeli within the occupied territories is armed.

This represents the pinnacle of defeat and capitulation, as the Arab armies have become the primary target of the American-Zionist agenda, with their numbers reduced, and the flags of their combat units, such as artillery and armor, furled, as the focus shifts to bolstering internal security forces at the expense of the military.

The peril lies in the deliberate and active manipulation that has altered and continues to alter the Arab military doctrine, linking it to the Zionist-American agenda. Arab citizens have begun to harbor apprehensions about the future, especially concerning the military doctrine, the national army, and the military establishment operating within the confines of what was once considered the Arab military doctrine, which identified the Israeli soldier as the enemy and Israel as the existential threat.

It is imperative to foster an understanding of the essence of the nation and the role of the armed forces. Internal strength forms the bedrock of external power, necessitating a reassessment of our surroundings. What we witness is the summoning of the forces of destruction onto Arab soil, intent on dismantling the region’s military might and security to safeguard Israel.

A recent study released in April 2023 by the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies in Israel underscored Israeli military experts’ profound contentment with the erosion and dismantling of the Arab armies and the shift in their doctrine.

The sight of the Arabs being herded toward Israel under the American baton is deeply deplorable. The Arabs and their homelands have become expendable pawns in the imminent regional and international power struggles. Arab authorities are the architects of this impending collapse and devastation, surrendering to the will of the Zionist-American administration.

Despite the apparent bleakness of the panorama, let us traverse back through seven decades and contemplate our current state as an Arab nation, asking ourselves: Who is our true adversary? Are the Arab nations still united under one common enemy, or does each nation face its own nemesis?

This nation needs a catalyst to rouse it from its profound slumber and revive its pride and honor. The time has come to raise our voices and question whether someone unilaterally altered the military doctrine of the Arab armies.

We emphatically declare: Israel’s security is not synonymous with our security, and Israel is not a neighbor but a foe.

Al Batayneh is a former member of the Jordanian Parliament.